
With billions of users, WhatsApp is one of the most popular social media platforms right now. Everyone wants to use it to connect with their friends or even conduct their business. Here are a few hidden latest updates you may not have used on this app.

1Formatting Features

With WhatsApp, chats can be interesting. All you’d have to do was put an asterisk before and after a word to bold it (*bold*), an underscore to italicize it (_italics_) and tildes to strike through it (~strikethrough~).

2Changing Font

Want to write like a type writer instead of using the usual font? You can! Just put the ` symbol three times before and after the word or phrase you want changed (“`like so“`) for Android or copy paste the symbol on iOS, and you’re good to go.

3Hide your Receipt Status

Blue ticking took a back seat with this round of latest technology updates. When you go to your settings, select your account then privacy settings, you can disable the read receipt function by unchecking the Read Receipt box.

4Last Seen Masking

To keep either the public or your contacts from seeing your Last Seen, go to Settings> Account> Privacy> Last Seen and adjust it to your liking.

5Stop Auto-save

If you’re tired of storing videos and photos that your friends send you, turn off the auto-save command on your WhatsApp by going to Settings, choosing Chats then turning off the option by deselecting Save Incoming Media.

6Use WhatsApp on your PC or Mac

Select WhatsApp Web on the mobile app then go to the main WhatsApp website (web.whatsapp.com) and scan the code on the laptop or desktop with your phone.

7Star Messages

Starring messages makes them easy to access later. To star one, long press the desired message and tap the star icon. You can view the messages later from the Starred Messages option on the Menu.

8Find Message Details

Want to know when you sent a message and when it was received? Swipe left if you’re using an iPhone, and long press and tap the info icon if you’re using Android.

9Export a Conversation

You can use this option if you want to save a conversation for later use. On an iOS phone, go to the bottom of the contact’s information and select Export Conversation. With Android, you’ll need to select a chat, access the Menu, select More then choose to email the chat.

10Broadcast a Message

With WhatsApp, you can Bcc a message across contacts by following this procedure: go to Chats, select Broadcast Lists, choose to create a New List, select the contacts you’ll send the message to, type in the message then hit send.

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