CircleCI Adds Security Integrations to Streamline Securing CI/CD Pipelines


CircleCI declared the addition of new orbs that address prevalent use conditions and desires with securing your CI/CD pipelines. The orbs additional to the repository with this release protect vulnerability scanning, secrets administration, license scanning, and digital scanning. It involves integrations with AWS and Google Cloud.

Orbs are shareable components that combine commands, executors, and jobs into a one reusable block. Formerly, CircleCI launched a number of orbs to aid with frequent Kubernetes workflows.

This release has included orbs to go over 3 key safety tactics that CircleCI recommends you handle within just your CI/CD pipelines. These three parts are:

    1. Safe pipeline configuration


    1. Code and Git record analysis


    1. Stability coverage enforcement


To help guarantee the pipeline configuration is safe, CircleCI lets for storing pipeline techniques in a range of locations. As Alexey Klochay, product or service supervisor at CircleCI, describes:


On CircleCI, you have the option to use encrypted-at-relaxation natural environment variables, or to use the contexts attribute. Contexts are used to present access to setting variables across tasks. Their use can also be limited to certain safety group customers as described by the organization’s administrator. A further solution is to use a third-bash answer to dynamically fetch secrets and techniques from their safe storage for your careers.


To guide in the third-occasion alternative approach, orbs have been additional to permit for integrating with the AWS Parameter Shop, CryptoMove, and Fortanix. To help with signing and certifying of container images within just Google Cloud, an integration with GCP Binary Authorization has been additional.

To validate that your Git repositories are absolutely free of delicate information and facts, Klochay recommends using both Trufflehog or GitLeaks. Equally equipment scan your repositories for traces of techniques that might have formerly been fully commited.

CircleCI has produced a amount of orbs relevant to vulnerability discovery. These additions assist to protect off both Static Application Safety Screening (SAST) and Dynamic Software Safety Screening (DAST) strategies. SAST instruments seem by the application’s code foundation and examine both the code and dependencies for vulnerabilities. DAST strategies will carry out similar scans but on an energetic instance of your software or container. This allows for catching dependencies that may well only load at runtime. CircleCI has incorporated a amount of vulnerability scanning orbs in this release including, NeuVector, Snyk, WhiteSource, and Probely.

To deal with vulnerabilities and compliance gaps that are far more small business distinct, CircleCI has included orbs that can guide with stability coverage enforcement. This enables for codifying small business tactics that really should be assessed on every create. Aqua Safety, NowSecure, and Twistlock are a couple of the new orb additions that can permit for plan enforcement.

Tad Whitaker, security engineer with CircleCI, shared that:


Inserting these DevSecOps orbs into developers’ CI/CD pipelines makes certain stability in location upstream for more protection downstream. Placing security tests in CI tends to make it automated which allows it to turn out to be next character to the person.


This perception is echoed by the 2019 Point out of DevOps Report which observed that “integrating safety deeply into the software program supply lifecycle makes teams far more than two times as self-assured of their stability posture.”

Michael Stahnke, VP platform for CircleCI, expanded on this in a conversation with InfoQ wherever he shared that when collaboration and integration is larger, stability is greater. Even so, Stahnke elaborated that with security, it is a lot easier to commit time and cash and not get the similar result as you could possibly with addressing other non-purposeful prerequisites. Stahnke shared that serving to business out of this situation is a single of the goals of this suite of new safety-centered orbs.

CircleCI has supplied documentation on the two how to use and publish orbs. The present-day listing of orbs can be seen in the Orb Registry. Orbs are now accessible inside of both of those the cost-free and compensated tiers of the cloud giving. For extra data about the new partners and orbs extra to the registry, you should review the official announcement on the CircleCI web site.


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