Burnt Skin

As society becomes tech-heavy, more scientists are coming up with ways to make living more comfortable and at a more affordable price. A team of researchers is the latest in a long line of scientists to do just that by making skin grafts which could lower the cost of plastic surgery for burn victims.

A recap on Nanoparticle Applications

We have been using nanoparticles for a long time. However, there has not been significant progress on using nanoparticles to facilitate complete skin regeneration. Most scientists use nanomaterial for industrial applications such as making sunscreen and cosmetics, water and waste purification and treatment as well as making fuel using carbon dioxide. A recent study shows the promise of people being able to use nanotechnology as more than a catalyst, purifier or reaction catalyst.

Nanoparticles to heal burnt skin?

Healing skin burns might be the next application for nanoparticles, the report from the research team from Pakistan stated. The team, from the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, was headed by prominent Pakistani researcher Dr. Muhammad Yar.

Though the group has not conducted human trials for their regeneration prototype, the results they obtained from tests on rats and chicken eggs make it hopeful about the success of the graft were it used on people.


The results that Dr. Yar and his team obtained have multiple implications on multiple fronts.

For one, the scientists could be heading into a profitable venture if human trials prove successful and investors decide to back the product.

More people would also be able to afford the nanomaterial, which allows not only burnt skin to heal, but also blood vessels to regenerate. With this product, more burn victims could be saved all over the world.

Nanomaterial may have important to people in the past, but this new invention opens up a new world of possibilities for their applications.

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