Friday, July 5, 2024
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Tag: Development

Categorise Unsolved Problems in Agile Development: Premature & Foreseeable

  Key Takeaways The power of Agile is how it deals with unsolved problems, but the very same power can lead to technical debt...

Using Docker Application Packages to Deliver Apps Across Teams

  Key Takeaways Currently there is no single solution for defining and packaging multi-service, multi-format distributed applications that run on any host.   Cloud-Native...

IoT Visual Programming Environment Node-RED Hits 1.0

  At the stop of a two-12 months growth cycle, Node-Crimson has at last arrived at model 1. bringing loads of alterations. Among the the...

Author Q&A on the Book Software Estimation Without Guessing

  Key Takeaways Estimates can and should be made for different purposes - there is a difference between, for instance, estimating the likely cost...

A Proposal for IDisposable and Static Analysis

  When .Internet was first made, there was uncertainty about how IDisposable really should be made use of. As a end result, IDisposable was applied...

Q&A on the Book Real-World Bug Hunting

  Critical Takeaways Serious-Entire world Bug Looking was created with beginner hackers in brain.   Ethical hacking, as it applies to laptop safety, is...

Introducing Microsoft.Data.SqlClient

  Continuing the hard work to decouple Microsoft products from .Internet Main alone, Microsoft is spinning off their SQL Server drivers into a independent deployment...

10 software development cults to join

  Every programmer is aware the sensation. You have penned a several lines, tested them, and checked them into some repository. Now is the time...

F# 4.7 Enables Preview of New Language Features and Relaxes Syntax

  The newest release of F# introduces a new LangVersion configuration alternative which can make it possible to pick which language model you would like...

Using Java to Orchestrate Robot Swarms

  Key Takeaways Ocado Technology uses Java to successfully develop applications that require high performance.   The use of Discrete Event Simulations allow development...